Results for 'M. M. Ward'

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  1. Endnotes for Fox/Ward, from page 6.M. Fox & D. Ward - 1992 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 10 (4):11-11.
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  2. Lived Experience and Cognitive Science Reappraising Enactivism’s Jonasian Turn.M. Villalobos & D. Ward - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):204-212.
    Context: The majority of contemporary enactivist work is influenced by the philosophical biology of Hans Jonas. Jonas credits all living organisms with experience that involves particular “existential” structures: nascent forms of concern for self-preservation and desire for objects and outcomes that promote well-being. We argue that Jonas’s attitude towards living systems involves a problematic anthropomorphism that threatens to place enactivism at odds with cognitive science, and undermine its legitimate aims to become a new paradigm for scientific investigation and understanding of (...)
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  3. Introduction: Gestalt Phenomenology and Embodied Cognitive Science.Alistair M. C. Isaac & Dave Ward - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 9):2135-2151.
    Several strands of contemporary cognitive science and its philosophy have emerged in recent decades that emphasize the role of action in cognition, resting their explanations on the embodiment of cognitive agents, and their embedding in richly structured environments. Despite their growing influence, many foundational questions remain unresolved or underexplored for this cluster of proposals, especially questions of how they can be extended beyond straightforwardly visuomotor cognitive capacities, and what constraints the commitment of embodiment places on the ontology of explanations. This (...)
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  4.  41
    Multiculturalism, Liberalism, and Science.M. Fox & D. Ward - 1992 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 10 (4):3-6.
  5.  51
    Evidence‐based medicine in general practice: beliefs and barriers among Australian GPs.Jane M. Young & Jeanette E. Ward - 2001 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 7 (2):201-210.
  6.  2
    Exploring the Broader Benefits of Obesity Prevention Community-based Interventions From the Perspective of Multiple Stakeholders.J. Jacobs, M. Nichols, N. Ward, M. Sultana, S. Allender & V. Brown - forthcoming - Health Care Analysis:1-22.
    Community-based interventions (CBIs) show promise as effective and cost-effective obesity prevention initiatives. CBIs are typically complex interventions, including multiple settings, strategies and stakeholders. Cost-effectiveness evidence, however, generally only considers a narrow range of costs and benefits associated with anthropometric outcomes. While it is recognised that the complexity of CBIs may result in broader non-health societal and community benefits, the identification, measurement, and quantification of these outcomes is limited. This study aimed to understand the perspectives of stakeholders on the broader benefits (...)
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    Corticothalamic necessity, qualia, and consciousness.Sam M. Doesburg & Lawrence M. Ward - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):90-91.
    The centrencephalic theory of consciousness cannot yet account for some evidence from both brain damaged and normally functioning humans that strongly implicates thalamocortical activity as essential for consciousness. Moreover, the behavioral indexes used by Merker to implicate consciousness need more development, as, besides being somewhat vague, they lead to some apparent contradictions in the attribution of consciousness. (Published Online May 1 2007).
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  8.  27
    Demagnetization of igneous rocks by alternating magnetic fields.E. Irving, P. M. Stott & M. A. Ward - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (62):225-241.
  9.  21
    Visualizing Tree Structures in Genetic Programming.Jason M. Daida, Adam M. Hilss, David J. Ward & Stephen L. Long - 2005 - Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 6.
    This paper presents methods to visualize the structure of trees that occur in genetic programming. These methods allow for the inspection of structure of entire trees even though several thousands of nodes may be involved. The methods also scale to allow for the inspection of structure for entire populations and for complete trials even though millions of nodes may be involved. Examples are given that demonstrate how this new way of “seeing” can afford a potentially rich way of understanding dynamics (...)
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    Symmetry, repetition, and figural goodness: an investigation of the Weight of Evidence theory.Emmanuel M. Pothos & Robert Ward - 2000 - Cognition 75 (3):B65-B78.
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  11. Effects of critical access hospital conversion on the financial performance of rural hospitals.P. Li, J. S. Schneider & M. M. Ward - 2009 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 46:46-57.
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    A Reappraisal of Female Adolescent Participation in Drug Clinical Trials.Terry M. VandenBosch, Becky G. Ward & Debra Mattison - 1999 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 21 (1):1.
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    Sampling distributions and probability revisions.Cameron R. Peterson, Wesley M. Ducharme & Ward Edwards - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (2p1):236.
  14.  19
    The use of goggles for testing hemispheric asymmetry.James B. Francks, Steven M. Smith & Thomas B. Ward - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (6):487-488.
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    Visual and skill effects on soccer passing performance, kinematics, and outcome estimations.Itay Basevitch, Gershon Tenenbaum, William M. Land & Paul Ward - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Divine Ideas.Thomas M. Ward - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element defends a version of the classical theory of divine ideas, the containment exemplarist theory of divine ideas. The classical theory holds that God has ideas of all possible creatures, that these ideas partially explain why God's creation of the world is a rational and free personal action, and that God does not depend on anything external to himself for having the ideas he has. The containment exemplarist version of the classical theory holds that God's own nature is the (...)
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  17. One Goodness, Many Goodnesses.Thomas M. Ward & Anne Jeffrey - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
    Some theories of goodness are descriptively rich: they have much to say about what makes things good. Neo-Aristotelian accounts, for instance, detail the various features that make a human being, a dog, a bee good relative to facts about those forms of life. Famously, such theories of relative goodness tend to be comparatively poor: they have little or nothing to say about what makes one kind of being better than another kind. Other theories of goodness—those that take there to be (...)
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  18.  58
    Board Socio-Cognitive Decision-Making and Task Performance Under Heightened Expectations of Accountability.Andrew J. Ward, Marcus M. Butts, Ann Buchholtz & Jill A. Brown - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (3):574-611.
    This study examines how heightened expectations of board responsibility and accountability affect the socio-cognitive decision-making of boards and their collective task performance. Using data from the directors of 60 boards who served before and after the enactment of Sarbanes–Oxley, this study provides insight into the potential negative impact that this tightened accountability environment can have on a board’s task performance. Examining several socio-cognitive elements of board decision-making, board authority is found to have a positive main effect on board task performance, (...)
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  19.  52
    John Duns Scotus on Parts, Wholes, and Hylomorphism.Thomas M. Ward - 2014 - Leiden and Boston: Brill.
    Ward examines Scotus's arguments for his distinctive version of hylomorphism, the view that at least some material objects are composites of matter and form. It considers Scotus's reasons for adopting hylomorphism, and his accounts of how matter and form compose a substance, how extended parts, such as the organs of an organism, compose a substance, and how other sorts of things, such as the four chemical elements and all the things in the world, fail to compose a substance. It (...)
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  20.  77
    A Most Mitigated Friar.Thomas M. Ward - 2019 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (3):385-409.
    In his ethical writings, Duns Scotus emphasized both divine freedom and natural goodness, and these seem to conflict with each other in various ways. I offer an interpretation of Scotus which takes seriously these twin emphases and shows how they cohere. I argue that, for Scotus, all natural laws obtain just by the natures of actual things. Divine commands, such as the Ten Commandments, contingently track natural laws but do not make natural laws to be natural laws. I present textual (...)
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  21.  25
    Logical Necessity and Divine Love in Duns Scotus's Ethical Thought.Thomas M. Ward - 2020 - Franciscan Studies 78 (1):159-170.
    I do not think scholars have thought hard enough about Scotus’s position that there are necessary moral truths over which God has no control. Just about everyone who writes on Scotus’s ethics has noted this position, but none has paid sufficient philosophical attention to it. It turns out that necessary moral truths are logically necessary (in Scotus’s sense of logical modalities), and the fact that they are logically necessary significantly alters how we should understand radical-sounding claims in Scotus to the (...)
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    The effect of optically induced blur on the magnitude of the Mueller-Lyer illusion.Lawrence M. Ward & Stanley Coren - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (5):483-484.
  23.  32
    Sequential effects and memory in category judgments.Lawrence M. Ward & G. R. Lockhead - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (1):27.
  24. Fostering Descriptive Power.James M. Ward - 1985 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 6 (1).
    Perception is fascinating and is inextricably bound up with all levels and kinds of thinking. Perceptual knowledge, descriptive data, serves as raw material for any and all processing operations. Certainly all kinds of constructing and processing operations await, e.g., imagining, describing, generalizing, comparing, day-dreaming, thousands of kinds. The mind is constantly at work with its symbols, such as images and language, formulating and focusing percepts out of sensory stimuli and then making thought and feeling constructs.
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  25. Hosea: A Theological Commentary.James M. Ward - 1966
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  26. Logic and ontological commitment : Vincent Ferrer's theory of natural supposition.Thomas M. Ward - 2018 - In Christoph Kann, Benedikt Löewe, Christian Rode & Sara Liana Uckelman (eds.), Modern views of medieval logic. Leuven: Peeters.
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    Genetic Programming Control of an Articulated Robotic Manipulator.K. M. Ward, M. N. H. Siddique, L. P. Maguire & T. M. McGinnity - 2008 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 17 (Supplement):109-132.
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  28. Authors’ Response: Enactivism, Cognitive Science, and the Jonasian Inference.D. Ward & M. Villalobos - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):228-233.
    Upshot: In our target article we claimed that, at least since Weber and Varela, enactivism has incorporated a theoretical commitment to one important aspect of Jonas’s philosophical biology, namely its anthropomorphism, which is at odds with the methodological commitments of modern science. In this general reply we want to clarify what we mean by anthropomorphism, and explain why we think it is incompatible with science. We do this by spelling out what we call the “Jonasian inference,” i.e., the idea that (...)
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  29. Spinoza on the Essences of Modes.Thomas M. Ward - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (1):19-46.
    This paper examines some aspects of Spinoza's metaphysics of the essences of modes.2 I situate Spinoza's use of the notion of essence as a response to traditional, Aristotelian, ways of thinking about essence. I argue that, although Spinoza rejects part of the Aristotelian conception of essence, according to which it is in virtue of its essence that a thing is a member of a kind, he nevertheless retains a different part of such a conception, according to which an essence is (...)
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  30. Of “men” and metaphors: Shakespeare, embodiment, and filing cabinets.Eva Feder Kittay, T. N. Ward, S. M. Smith & J. Vaid - 1997 - In T. B. Ward, S. M. Smith & J. Vaid (eds.), Creative Thought: An Investigation of Conceptual Structures and Processes. American Psychological Association.
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    Category judgments of loudness in the absence of an experimenter-induced identification function: Sequential effects and power-function fit.Lawrence M. Ward - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 94 (2):179.
  32. Losing the Lost Island.Thomas M. Ward - 2018 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 83 (1):127-134.
    Gaunilo’s Lost Island Objection to Anselm’s Ontological Argument aims to show that if Anselm’s argument can establish the existence of a greatest conceivable being then a very similar argument can establish the existence of a greatest conceivable island. The challenge for the defender of Anselm is to identify the relevant disanalogy between Anselm’s argument and Gaunilo’s, in order to explain why Anselm’s can succeed while Gaunilo’s fails. In this essay I take up this challenge. Reflection on the differences between the (...)
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  33.  50
    Creative Thought: An Investigation of Conceptual Structures and Processes.T. B. Ward, S. M. Smith & J. Vaid (eds.) - 1997 - American Psychological Association.
  34.  67
    Physician knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding a widely implemented guideline.Marcia M. Ward, Thomas E. Vaughn, Tanya Uden-Holman, Bradley N. Doebbeling, William R. Clarke & Robert F. Woolson - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (2):155-162.
  35.  57
    Scotism About Possible Natures.Thomas M. Ward - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly 69 (275):393-408.
    I motivate and develop a view, found in John Duns Scotus, concerning God's explanatory role in the possibility of possible natures. A possible nature is a nature which can be instanced. The view is that possible natures have their possibility due to the coherence of their simple parts, but the simples which make up natures are themselves ex nihilo productions of divine intellect.
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    The effect of optical blur on visual-geometric illusions.Stanley Coren, Lawrence M. Ward, Clare Porac & Robert Fraser - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (6):390-392.
  37.  97
    The thalamic dynamic core theory of conscious experience.Lawrence M. Ward - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):464-486.
    I propose that primary conscious awareness arises from synchronized activity in dendrites of neurons in dorsal thalamic nuclei, mediated particularly by inhibitory interactions with thalamic reticular neurons. In support, I offer four evidential pillars: consciousness is restricted to the results of cortical computations; thalamus is the common locus of action of brain injury in vegetative state and of general anesthetics; the anatomy and physiology of the thalamus imply a central role in consciousness; neural synchronization is a neural correlate of consciousness.
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  38.  46
    Environmental Strategies of Affect Regulation and Their Associations With Subjective Well-Being.Kalevi M. Korpela, Tytti Pasanen, Veera Repo, Terry Hartig, Henk Staats, Michael Mason, Susana Alves, Ferdinando Fornara, Tony Marks, Sunil Saini, Massimiliano Scopelliti, Ana L. Soares, Ulrika K. Stigsdotter & Catharine Ward Thompson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Mind-blanking: when the mind goes away.Adrian F. Ward & Daniel M. Wegner - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Engaging schooling: developing exemplary education for students in poverty.Michael R. M. Ward - 2019 - British Journal of Educational Studies 67 (1):140-142.
  41. and Narly Golestani.Lawrence M. Ward & John J. McDonald - 1998 - In Richard D. Wright (ed.), Visual Attention. Oxford University Press. pp. 8--232.
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    In defence of philosophy in schools.Dr P. M. Ward - 1983 - British Journal of Educational Studies 31 (3):252-264.
  43.  30
    Provider adherence to COPD guidelines: relationship to organizational factors.Marcia M. Ward, Jon W. Yankey, Thomas E. Vaughn, Bonnie J. BootsMiller, Stephen D. Flach, Shea Watrin & Bradley N. Doebbeling - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (4):379-387.
  44.  24
    The Message of the Prophet Hosea.James M. Ward - 1969 - Interpretation 23 (4):387-407.
    The primary purpose of Hosea's ministry was to provide a testimony that would effect reconciliation between Yahweh and Israel—during and beyond judgment.
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    Faculty learning communities: improving teaching in higher education.Hsuying C. Ward & Paula M. Selvester - 2012 - Educational Studies 38 (1):111-121.
    Faculty learning communities are collaborative collegial groups of faculty and other teaching staff who are interested in and committed to the improvement of their teaching to accommodate a diverse student population through group discourse, reflection and goal setting. In this article, we describe our FLC experiences that were supported by a federal grant to ensure accessible learning environments on our campus. The project, Ensuring Access through Collaboration and Technology , sought to introduce faculty at a medium‐sized state university to a (...)
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  46. Relations Without Forms: Some Consequences of Aquinas’s Metaphysics of Relations.Thomas M. Ward - 2010 - Vivarium 48 (3):279-301.
    This article presents a new interpretation and critique of some aspects of Aquinas’s metaphysics of relations, with special reference to a theological problem—the relation of God to creatures—that catalyzed Aquinas’s and much medieval thought on the ontology of relations. I will show that Aquinas’s ontologically reductive theory of categorical real relations should equip him to identify certain relations as real relations, which he actually identifies as relations of reason, most notably the relation of God to creatures.
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    Achieving across-laboratory replicability in psychophysical scaling.Lawrence M. Ward, Michael Baumann, Graeme Moffat, Larry E. Roberts, Shuji Mori, Matthew Rutledge-Taylor & Robert L. West - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  48.  65
    Transhumanization, Personal Identity, and the Afterlife: Thomistic Reflections on a Dantean Theme.Thomas M. Ward - 2015 - New Blackfriars 96 (1065):564-575.
    Taking Aquinas's metaphysics of human nature as my point of departure and taking inspiration from Dante's concept of transhumanization, I sketch a metaphysics of the afterlife according to which a human person in the interim phase between death and resurrection is not a mere disembodied soul. I offer some theological reasons for thinking that our bodily human nature is essential to what we are and for thinking that we can survive the destruction of our bodies at death. I argue that (...)
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  49.  16
    Cicero's Support of the Lex Gabinia.A. M. Ward - 1969 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 63 (1):8.
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    Orienting of Attention.Richard D. Wright & Lawrence M. Ward - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    This book is a succinct introduction to the orienting of attention.
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